Whil’s back: Moving from Windows to Linux and now back to Fox….

Whil just announced the return of the Great Lakes Great Database Workshop 2006 with one track of 14 sessions covering every major aspect of Fox development.

Sounds like he’s gotten 10 speakers all set and ready to go for for developers not looking for the faint of heart developer conferences – his original email said (updated):

“What can you, the developer who is committed to VFP as a long term development platform, do to optimize the next ten years of your life?

This is the question that GLGDW 2006 is going to answer.

This is not a marketing conference masquerading as a technical conference. This is not FoxPro for Dummies. There are no ‘Intro to X’ pre-cons or ‘How to use feature Y’ sessions here. This is an advanced workshop – for experts.

This is a workshop for thoughtful people with attention spans. This is an event about wisdom.”

Sounds ambitious – but Whil usually pulls off a great conference and it’s nice that it’s focused directly on FoxPro and seeing it through for the next 10 years….

But it also sounds like there’s now also an opportunity for that “Beginner to FoxPro” series that Craig is doing.

The Dates:
Opening Keynote starts at 7 pm on Friday, April 21.
Regular sessions start at 8 am on Saturday, April 22.
Closing Keynote ends at 12:15 pm Monday, April 24.

The Sessions:
Session Topics include Best Practices for…
Development Environment Setup, Error Handling and Reporting
Class Design, User Interfaces
Data Access, Refactoring, Coding Standards
Debugging and Scaffolding, Reporting
Project Management, Deployment, Performance
Professional Developer’s Toolkit