What I’m Using

I had installed Wakoopa a few months ago just to see what this tool could do. I installed it on both my laptop and desktop machines (which I typically use concurrently – multi-tasking at its finest – or worst) but didn’t really see it doing much.

Doh! That’s what it was supposed to do – not much – just keep an eye on what I’ve been working with. Since a lot of my day is spent connecting to customers, it was no surprise that #3 on my Top 10 software was Remote Desktop Connection (also because I use it to connect to my own server as well) – what I did find interesting was the other software I used. What’s also cool is that they keep track of the software and the versions being used – so I can easily tell if I’m out of date.

Sadly, Firefox is number one – but that’s because I use it now instead of Outlook completely. Outlook is still what I use to sync my ipaq but for day to day, I almost live in gmail, newsgator and basecamp. Hmm…I wish Wakoopa could keep track of those web sites instead of just saying “Firefox”. Anyways, it’s an interesting tool and I found one other person who had created a great video on FoxPro as well (in another language, could be Spanish but I’m likely wrong on that)

Very interesting (if trivial in the sense of tracking something that you might not normally track) tool…Wakoopa!

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