VFPX – Themed Controls Demo Totally Rocks!

If you haven’t checked out Emerson Reed’s Themed Controls for VFP, you definitely need to. The link here (VFPX – Home )  shows some samples and there’s a video as well but why not simply download the sample code and run it.

One key point: don’t build the SAMPLE project and try to run it – just open it, and run MAIN.PRG for best results.

It combines the use of GDI+ and other VFPX projects (CTL32) and just makes the sample app look beautiful. I’m running an earlier version on some of my apps (and they work beautifully) but now I’m definitely going to upgrade to the most recent update.

One key thing to keep in mind: it’s all NATIVE FoxPro!  

Blogged with the Flock Browser

4 thoughts on “VFPX – Themed Controls Demo Totally Rocks!”

  1. Hi Andrew!
    Firstly, thanks for the kind words.
    I would like to know why you recomend to not build the sample exe to test? Any bug?
    Could you show us some screenshots of your app using ThemedControls?

  2. When I run SAMPLE.APP , I get an error saying Active PROJECT is not found.

    The problem is related to:
    If _vfp.StartMode = 0 && Design time
    Set Path To (Addbs(_vfp.ActiveProject.HomeDir)+”VCX”) Additive
    Set Path To (Addbs(_vfp.ActiveProject.HomeDir)+”Images”) Additive
    Set Default To (_vfp.ActiveProject.HomeDir)

    it doesn’t check to ensure ActiveProject is not null.

    I’ll put up some posts of the UI in a new site I’m looking at building.

  3. Hi Andrew.
    Please, take a look at ThemedControls version 3.2.0.
    Now ZoomNavBar is themed (just like OutlookNavBar).

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