Craig does an excellent job of noting the top 10 Visual FoxPro stories of 2005.
Among his notes: the departure of Mike Stewart, John Koziol and Randy Brown from the FoxTeam, the shipping of VFP 9, the loss of Drew Speedie, and the reranking of VFP in the TIOBE list.
While he did note Whilfest 2006, he didn’t mention Southwest Fox which is coming back in 2006 and will be sure to be a big hit and the SednaX site, which I’m sure will be showcasing an awful lot in the coming year.
The other thing that I think is still valuable to note, although not entirely VFP-related, is the elevation of Eric Rudder at Microsoft to focusing on the overall technical strategy for Microsoft. With that and Tod Neilson now running Borland, former Foxers seem to be everywhere, rather than nowhere.
Anyone have any Visual FoxPro predictions for 2006?
1. Ken Levy will sponsor the giving of Ultimate FoxEars headphones at Devcon 2006.
2. After a slow start, the SednaX site will start to show very cool technology like the Solution Explorer and a new FoxLINQ.
3. Urged on by Craig Boyd, FoxPro developers will ensure that FoxPro jumps another 5 points on the TIOBE rank.
4. The first self-sponsored FoxPro CodeCamp will be held somewhere in the world and will be streamed somewhere. Unlike typical conferences, the CodeCamp will be more of an “un-conference”.
5. Someone will figure out how to make object-oriented menus work with a way-cool designer.
6. Bill Gates will actually say the words “FoxPro” and someone will take notice.
7. Someone will predict the death of FoxPro and will be flamed by the entire community.
8. Someone will predict that FoxPro will become part of DotNet, or that DotNet will become FoxPro, or something like that. No one will confirm it – but the Fox team will continue to instigate creative data handling ideas into Microsoft development environments.
9. Microsoft will stop making presentations filled with bullets.
10. A completely different way of using FoxPro will be shown, prompting everyone to say in unison “Fox rocks!”
Regarding point 4. I’m not sure if this meets the self-sponsored requirement, but we might be getting close with OzFox Lite – this is very much a CodeCamp format event.
I’ll see what I can do about getting it streamed…