Thank you Rick

Rick Schummer did a great job covering the FoxPro DevCon and you can see all of his results here.

Shedding Some Light: Advisor DevCon – Wrap up

Day 3

Day 2

Day 1

Hope you have an awesome Labor day and thanks again!

Short of streaming or podcasting the event, this was great.

On a DevCon note, I was kind of sad about the turnout – I heard from an attendee that he felt it was kind of depressing because in the past, DevCons were where you could see all the new cool stuff. Now with VFPX and Sedna being “transparent”, many developers had already seen it.

I’m of mixed thoughts on this – I would hope that MS pulled out a little bit more “cool stuff” but then after reading Craig’s thoughts on TechEd, maybe not. I always look at Devcons as being about the enthusiasm and from the sounds of it from Rick’s posts, many of those FoxPro sessions had it.

Thanks again, Rick!

3 thoughts on “Thank you Rick”

  1. >> I heard from an attendee that he felt it
    was kind of depressing because in the past,
    DevCons were where you could see all the new
    cool stuff. Now with VFPX and Sedna being
    “transparent”, many developers had already seen
    it.<< Anyone who attended our session (Lisa and myself) would have seen features of SP2 that have not been seen in public anywhere before. It’s a shame Rick missed that sesssion.

  2. Colin,

    It wasn’t Rick that made the comment – but another attendee (sorry if it gave that impression).

    I think it was more that perhaps the keynote missed the “ooh and ahhh” features – but maybe not.

    Thanks for the update.

  3. You are welcome Andrew. It was a pleasure doing the posts. The reason I was unable to attend Colin and Lisa’s session was it was against mine! With only two choices it was impossible to see everything.

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