Shedding Some Light on shedding some light

Rick points out some great new additions to Bob’s Southwest Fox 2006. He notes some of the great new speakers that were just added to the list but also about every attendee getting $150 in dbi Dollars. That’s a great opportunity especially considering that dbi is offering some of their controls as part of Sedna (so be sure NOT to use those dbi Dollars on those six controls).

While perusing the site, I found this post of Rick’s, which is a very good read, especially for those developers or consultants who feel the need to pull out conspiracy theories.

As Rick noted “this blog is not read by everyone” – but just by posting re-links to it keeps a valuable discussion going. Rick’s Shedding Some Light is a great blog and his report on Craig at the DAFUG was awesome!

It’s tough to keep up with everything because there are so many feeds to read. I keep on putting posts that I want to make into my drafts folder because I just don’t have all the time to get them into a form that I’m happy with.

This isn’t just a post about linking to Rick’s blog though – there have been stories that were posted six months ago that become popular again only once someone links to them. A lot of FoxPro developers are hard at work on some truly great things and when they put them out, they expect a thundershower of activity but it doesn’t come. Instead, it comes slowly as more and more people find out about them. I’ve written about some of them, others have written about others but all are appreciated.

Keep them coming!
Shedding Some Light: Southwest Fox 2006 – More revelations