Improving the VFP Menu Designer As many in the community know, I have a strong affinity towards menus, having creating GenMenuX way back when and it still runs even under VFP 8 without any modifications. One of the questions that came out during the closing session was will there ever be any changes to the … Read more
Just got back from VFP DevCon 2003 in Palm Springs, California – where the lows were 98 degrees and the highs were 110! Note: Thanks to Ted Roche ( who showed me his Blog and inspired me to do the same! Overall, it was a great conference! Great to see both old faces and new! … Read more
Nav Canada
1997 The NavCanada Flight Invoicing System was responsible for the corporation invoicing of aviation systems through Canadian airspace. As Project Manager and lead developer, Mr. MacNeill: Upgraded existing Transport Canada system to Windows-based system for use with newly created Crown Corporation Capture and documented existing application processes and mapped to new and evolving business changes … Read more
1996-1998 Exocom Systems was one of Ottawa’s premier consulting firms in the 1990’s, specializing in technologies from a number of vendors. Mr. MacNeill joined the Microsoft division and brought his expertise in development and analysis. His management and presentation skills at Microsoft-sponsored conferences helped Exocom become one of the first Microsoft Regional Directors in Ottawa. As … Read more
Credit Union Institute of Canada
1999 The Online Education Management System was the first online system for the Institute’s Ottawa branch, responsible for managing the courses for Professional programs for credit unions across Canada and their employees. Mr. MacNeill was the principal architect and designer of the system responsible for: Analyzing business requirements in conjunction with the management of the CUIC and their … Read more
PC Edge
1992-1994 Corporate Renaissance Group is now one of Microsoft’s Gold Dynamics Partners. Mr. MacNeill’s work with its previous incarnation, PC Edge, helped revolutionize Salary Management Systems across the Canadian Federal Government. He also became a Development Manager, responsible for hiring new talent and managing technical responses to RFPs for government departments and agencies, such as … Read more