Typically when you see a comparison chart, it always slants in favor of the “hosting” company. (“We do all 10 features whereas our competition only does 5 of them”)
So when Guy Kawasaki originally said “check out Vyew” – I wasn’t completely overwhelmed with the feature set – it’s cool and it works and the fact that you have to do screen captures to show your desktop has some benefits (like being able to hide crashes or non-descript error messages) – but it’s definitely not a “demo” tool – more of a “meeting” tool but that’s good.
But the thing that I loved about their web site was this page:
Comparison chart
Yes, on the Key Features, it’s heavily swayed to Vyew but when you go further, you see that they are identifying where they are missing features – things that I would consider to be key like “desktop sharing”, polling and the ability to record sessions.
Best of all, it provides a good price differential so you can compare a number of the tools out there and see which ones will suit your needs.