Naked Conversations: Corporate Blog Tip #10 (get out in the real world)

Robert hits on a good point on the Naked Conversations blog (yikes! I was just about to call it the Naked Couch).

Two years ago, when one of the conferences were being set up to talk about blogging, I posted about why I thought blogging was the perfect way to cut down on conferencing. Ted Roche immediately whacked me over the head on that.

And in reading Robert’s post, I can certainly agree. I missed out on DevCon this year due to some family issues and home life makes it difficult to travel (try finding a good home-sitter for 2 sick dogs) – for that reason I generally don’t get out much.

But I would certainly hope people don’t see the blog as a one-dimensional view of me. There’s the FoxShow, OttawaPodcasts, my other news blog and more. But I also listened to Julie Leung’s talk at Gnomedex and appreciate that too – there must be a separation. I have some public personal , blogs, some business blogs, and I also have some private ones.

But I do like the idea of photoblogs and moblogs – I love that Blogger now offers it – I wish they could extend it to the entire North American area.

You can also choose to participate in a network – I’m on

You may also choose to take a page out of Lloyd’s book and do sound seeing tours.

But for right now, my easiest way to talk to me directly is via email, blogs or Skype (akselsoft).

Naked Conversations: Corporate Blog Tip #10 (get out in the real world)