Mainstream Coverage of the Asia disaster

I don’t know where Scoble found the “mainstream” media but I was completely amazed at the lack of coverage given to this story by television news outlets CNN and MSNBC. (yes, I know the blog coverage was likely far better) – We switched over at BBC World News first thing where they brought nothing but quality coverage the whole day. (first rss feed update came in at 11pm EST on the 25th). Thousands of people are dead and the only thing CNN and MSNBC chose to broadcast (at least on the “north american wide feed”) was “Headliners and Legends” and debates on Iraq.

Our daughter has a friend who was vacationing in Thailand and we’re still waiting for some kind of “yes, I’m ok” type of conversation.

Thoughts and prayers are with everyone in the region…

Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger