I Want (or Don’t Want) MacBook Air

Updated: certainly some of the reported problems (obscure USB among others) might make this device not as appealing. I also priced out a similar Sony Vaio – and they ended up being equally priced but you got more with the Vaio. Hmph…my foray back into Mac land may have to wait a bit…

OK – now I know what I definitely want for my new notebook. The overall HW specs don’t sound that great – but it’s time to dump my Dell (I reviewed the buy-out on my HW lease – what a rip-off – this machine is going back) – and I really do think it’s time to come back to my true 6-color roots (even if Apple’s colors these days run more platinum)

But seriously…it’s THAT thin???? Cripes…and it looks like their pricing for Canada is close to on par. $1899 Cdn vs. $1799 US. If you look at today’s exchange rate ($1.0378), it’s pretty close.

Yes , I suppose I could look at a Sony VAIO – but no thanks, Sony. I’ve pretty much stopped doing business with you (even if you did go DRM-Free at Amazon).

Could I use it as my development workstation? Hard to say, but I remember almost 8 years ago, seeing Ed Leafe doing all his dev on his MacBook and I was envious. Definitely time.

But VFP Developers, what are you using for your development machines?

Apple Canada – MacBook Air

5 thoughts on “I Want (or Don’t Want) MacBook Air”

  1. Andrew,

    From the software developer perspective, I don’t see the point on getting a laptop for $1799 where its hard drive is 80gb and the maximum screen resolution rendered is 1280×800. These 2 points are deal breakers for me. Unless this is your second laptop, but still…
    For around $2200 I can get a Dell M 1530 with a 300gb HD and a 1650×1050 max screen resolution, plus 3 years of on site total care (accidental or not).
    Are actually looking at other features that I am missing?

  2. I’m a desktop guy… but I’m pretty much satisfied working on a Gateway laptop.

    That… and those bulky IBM models.

    Apple products are good… but it’s 50% technolust.

    We can’t deny the skills of their engineers and designers though. Steve Jobs included… : ]

  3. That MacBook Air is just for Womanizers 😉 Yes it has a huge WAF (Woman Accepance Factor), but it’s not usable for real work. Come on: 13″ with 1280×800? I’m already running out of space on my 15″ 1680×1050!
    And a superslow 80Gb 1,8″ 4400rpm PATA harddisk? I barely find enuf place on my 200Gb 7200rpm SATA 2,5″ harddisk.
    Then there’s only 1 USB port, and not even a microphone jack (for Skype or VOIP). No smartcard-, no PCExpress-, no PCCard slots. All you have is one lonely USB-Port for all your gadgets you’ll need to connect. Thus you’ll find yourself equipped with a lot of carry-ons additionally to that thin thingy….
    Nope. No way that I would use that overpriced thing for work.
    I’m happy with a fully equipped DELL D830. Not that lightweight, but: hey, we are mans, we can stand that weight! 😉

  4. Agreed, Woody. After hearing about a number of the problems with the Air, it’s making me rethink my decision (good thing I didn’t order it).

    It’s a great looking machine – but definitely needs more power.

    And the price is still a little high.

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