Someone(?) had a problem with my post about how many developers were using DotNet so I thought I would clarify my stand on it.
1. The actual title was a link to an MS blog which had noted a survey in which it stated that 64% of app developers use DotNet. Now, in all seriousness, that’s kind of like someone saying that 98% of the world speak English because the majority of Americans do. It’s a very one-sided comment.
(as a note – I have re-titled my previous post so that it’s a little more obvious that the “title” is not necessarily my opinion)
2. The post makes more of a note of the comments back to the original poster. If MS wants their entire dev groups to be blogged (which it certainly seems like), they need to be careful about how they blog (just like I am correcting right here) –
in fact, Scoble wrote an article about that
3. The comment was fairly accurate on how lame the study was though as it stated “This survey could be summed up as “We surveyed 500 out-of-work VB4, 5 and 6 programmers who said they’d be glad to ship an app in DotNet!”
Consider me clarified.