Go NewsGator Go

NewsGator Go goes live any day now thanks to all the great work by Kevin Cawley and the other NG team.

I’ve been using the beta for the past few months and I love it.

No – it doesn’t do everything (auto sync and podcast support) but it is an awesome way to read my posts – so much easier than viewing it on the web. I now just sync and take my posts with me and then when I get back, re-sync on my Ipaq and all the posts I read are updated.

The Clipping feature is also totally awesome.

Newsgator has been doing a lot more “business” announcements recently (their link to NBC and Newsweek is is great news for RSS) so I am very happy to see new products coming from them as well.

The downside? It’s not being put into the regular Newsgator offerings. I wish it was like the NewsGator email and other items but the $30 is definitely money well spent if you have a PocketPC device and read feeds.

Now I just want to see the podcasting support that Kevin had been working on earlier. Way to go, guys!

1 thought on “Go NewsGator Go”

  1. Thanks for the support Andrew and I am definitely cooking up the podcast support next. That is something I want really bad for myself as well!

    -kevin @ newsgator

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