Fox Forward 2006 Conference – A community conference for developers, by develoeprs

As Rick Schummer noted, it looks like the fall is once again the season of Visual FoxPro conferences with the new Fox Forward 2006 conference being scheduled for Atlanta on September 15th-17th.

The “for developers, by developers” tag line sounds like it might get overused (I think DevTeach also uses it).

Craig’s got a full list right here.
but here’s the direct link to the Fox Forward 2006 Conference – A community conference for developers, by develoeprs

1 thought on “Fox Forward 2006 Conference – A community conference for developers, by develoeprs”

  1. Hey Andrew,

    What is worse? Overusing a slogan? or overusing a slogan and spelling it WRONG!!! Doh! I’m so daft sometimes.

    You are so right about overusing that slogan. I’ve changed it to something else. I was going to change it to “Not your fathers FoxPro conference” but Whil to to that one before me too! Dang. Oh well.

    Thanks for the mention and for keeping me honest!

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