Forward to Fox in 2007

Awesome that Kevin Cully is going to be holding his Fox Forward conference again. Hopefully this time I’ll be able to make it down to Georgia for Friday September 7th; Saturday September 8th; and Sunday September 9th, 2007!

And it looks like he’s looking for some good sessions on a wide variety of items:

1. FoxPro Technologies
* N-Tier Applications And Foxpro
* FoxPro Framework Shootout
* New FoxPro Sedna Capabilities – Taking it to the max
* The SednaX Project
* Comparing WWWC and AFP
* Calling .NET constructs from VFP
2. FoxPro leveraged technologies such as ActiveX Controls, Plug ins, Backend databases, etc.
* GDI+ – Look at what’s now possible
* Extreme UI Controls in FoxPro (Cubes, Mapping, Animations, etc.)
* FoxPro to alternate backends – MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, DB2
* WWWC and Apache
* Linux as a development platform for FoxPro
* Open Office automation from FoxPro
3. Related and/or competing technologies from a FoxPro perspective
* Python / Dabo
* PHP-GTK – Fat client applications with PHP
* REALBasic – Cross platform, OO, Basic language
4. Computer based technologies that is non business application related (Servers, communications, graphics, etc.)
* Apache Web Server Administration and Tuning
* SourceSafe vs. CVS vs. Subversion – Source code control shootout
* Network and Internet Security for businesses

Great set of tracks there!

Fox Forward 2007 Conference – Looking forward to the future of technology from a FoxPro perspective!

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1 thought on “Forward to Fox in 2007”

  1. Thanks for the call out Andrew. I’m excited about the conference. I’m hoping to improve on a couple of points over last year. I’m a bit slow to get the word out so every metion certainly helps!

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