While I don’t usually use this site for personal thoughts, I do want to take a moment to recognize the death of Michael Jackson, a true legend in pop culture and someone who affected the entire world with his music in a positive way.
While his lifestyle was crushing and troubling, his legacy lives on through his music and his impact on the video generation. Like his music or not, he invented pop culture as it exists today (through video, music and celebrity). I think most of the world today has some memory of him, as I know I do.
Just a thought – his planned comeback tour should continue on – with other musicians (Justin, Usher, Smokey, Paul, his brothers to name a few) taking part in those 50 concert shows, paying tribute to him. The money could go towards the obvious litigation that will be coming.
As the Righteous Brothers sang, “if there’s a rock’n’roll heaven,” then Michael has just joined one hell of a band.
He will be missed but his music lives on. Rest in peace, Michael Jackson.
Anyways, back to our regularly scheduled development posts.