Dare defends Microsoft’s ability to innovate in an excellent post that describes three big recent innovations. I’ve noted the similarities in the past so I have to say “Verdict? Bad Marketing”
Exhibit A – XML and RSS (MS introduced CDF and ActiveDesktop back in the 90s – I did presentations on these for DevDays)
Exhibit B – AJAX (MS and DHTML and XMLHTTP)
Exhibit C – Web APIs (ok – this is pushing it a little far, I think but certainly MS has done its fair share of promoting Web APIs)
So why do MS’ initiatives fail? Maybe because they fail to take hold as “world wide initiatives” and simply feel like “MS ideas”. I always thought Hailstorm was a great idea – but the JOD obviously felt otherwise.
So I wonder – will XUL win over XAML? or are the concepts found in these two areas simply bound to come up again in 5 years as the “brainchild” of yet another start-up?
It’s an interesting argument.