Conference Re-design

Craig makes a great post referring to Beyond Bullets and their socialable media template. After going through their template and their blog articles, I have to agree but then I start thinking out the actual content of the conferences.
Wouldn’t it be great if a conference actually was organized to go from different types of application development from beginning to end?
Think about it – two possibly three tracks: Desktop, Web, Hybrid (or Pocket PC, etc, etc)
Day 1 – Design. An entire day devoted to different design techniques, including physical, architectural and conceptual designs. Show exactly what each member of the team does during those phases.  Discuss project management on the whole.
Day 2 – Prototyping and Development. Discuss data planning techniques, user interface prototyping, show some examples of Extreme Programming at the prototype phase. Have a round table of why certain approaches to n-tier architecture work and others don’t..  Even bring up unit testing.
Day 3 – Testing and Implementation. Discuss the roll-out ideas, training, re-factoring concepts as well as the all-important concept of integration testing and the final post-mortem.
If you needed to handle 4 days, you could easily expand out these basic concepts (UI on one day and under the hood on another) and there is enough to discuss in each individual topic.
Hey Craig – now you’ve done it – I’m pumped on this idea! Anyone else? I think this has the makings of not just a regular conference but a web-based conference. Interested in that? Drop me a line and let me know…(more on the next post)

2 thoughts on “Conference Re-design”

  1. Andrew,

    You gotta get out more. You have never heard of the SD Best Practices Conference and Expo? It has almost exactaly the tracks you mention:

    Build & Deploy
    Design & Arcitechure
    Testing & Quality
    Process & Methods
    Requirements & Analysis
    People, Projects & Teams

    Check it out at

    Bob Archer

  2. Bob,

    Thanks for the post. Actually I know of a few conferences like this as well. My point was to do the entire ONLINE Experience accordingly. That way, companies could sign up for one or two days or the entire thing.

    As much as I enjoy the conference experience, there are many times when it simply pulls one away from other business at hand (personal and professional) and thus people are unable to attend.

    However, if you offered a similar conference in an online forum, I think it would be a success PROVIDED it was well run.

    That’s all – Andrew

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