Make 99% Invisible Visible

I mentioned 99% invisible on my last FoxShow – it’s a fascinating and amazing show, talking about design, typically in architecture. For those who build software, what IS interesting is how design impacts a variety of things. Subtle things, like how if you close your eyes, a lane change feels like a 90% degree turn or … Read more

FoxShow Extra: Morning discussion with Alan Stevens on Agility

One of the great things about Southwest Fox was the open discussions that were had almost every minute. Thankfully, some discussions and “discussers” let them be recorded. Here’s a discussion Alan Stevens and I had one morning about his sessions on Agility and Ignorance as well as XML handling – a little FoxShow extra. It’s … Read more

Turning 50

No….not me (yet!)…but the FoxShow just turned 50! After 49 not so regular episodes starting in March of 2005, we’ve hit 50 with hopefully the last of the rushed episodes (rootkit, rebuild, repeat as I mentioned earlier) but also with a great interview with Alan Stevens. (I had no idea he had worked with the … Read more

FoxShow #47 Now Available

I just posted The FoxShow #47 that features a great interview with Tod McKenna on the rules of data normalization (the Forms of normalization) and how they apply (or don’t) to databases (SQL Server , FoxPro, etc) for general application use and then also for reporting. It comes in around 50 minutes – but I … Read more