
I’m not TRYING to be “fanboy-flame bait” but what I saw yesterday was a typical “Do it this way, now do it this way and then we’ll go back to this way” all over again…. a move similar to what Microsoft does to developers on an ongoing basis.

Remember the first iPhone? Smooth and curved, at least as far as it could be back then. I still pull out my 3G and can see the curves on it.

Then the 4 came out and “boxy” was all the rage. Everything should be “tight with corners”

Now iPhone 6…. smooth and curvy is back. Granted I don’t have the actual device yet, but that’s the message.

Guess that means the iPhone 8 will be back to boxy.

And honestly, Apple Watch is not worth “one more thing” — especially when everyone knows it’s going to be shown. “One more thing” would be something no one saw coming.  The device itself ? Very interesting and yes, definitely lots of potential but “one more thing” worthy? No. Maybe I’m just jaded.

One more “bad thing” is that the Apple Watch (which does look very cool) requires an iPhone. So now you can walk around with more Apple devices instead of just one. If you’re going to change my life, make my load lighter, not heavier.

So much for real Continuity.