Wow – he doesn’t post for a month but when he does…
So after at least one swipe at Advisor, Andy and Marcia are moving the Kitbox from FoxTalk over to Advisor. (a revolution from within may begin…
The why is one of those not well-guarded secrets in the FoxPro world. FoxTalk was recently taken over by Eli Research who adopted their own formatting guidelines fairly tight restrictions(see comment) over the writers and editors. With such a wild bunch as the FoxPro community, it only stood to reason that some more shakeups would occur.
FoxPro Advisor now gets two of the best writers around – what a great coup – because the KitBox is one of the best reads around.
It’s going to be interesting – Advisor may become more like FoxTalk and FoxTalk may become more like Advisor with its new layout.
The result? More FoxPro articles abound for all developers to read and we, the community, are wealthier for it.
Andy Kramek : Morituri te salutant (Those who are about to die, salute you)
I’m not sure that “fairly tight restrictions” over writers is fully accurate. Just as Ragan had its own formatting standards across its journals, Eli Research has its own formatting. For example, figures were numbered under Ragan, but lettered under Eli Research. There were a few other formatting changes, but the Kit Box was exempted from most of them.
I think this is mostly about the fact that some people have the need to react a certain way to minor changes that wouldn’t bother most people. I understand that; people react in different ways, and they do what they have to do, based on what’s right for them.
We certainly regret Andy’s and Marcia’s leaving, and wish we had had more of a chance to respond to any concerns that they had.
We’ll do our best to continue to accommodate the needs of top-notch VFP writers, and to be attentive to the suggestions and wishes of our subscribers.
Thanks for the corrections – I’ve revised my posting to be a little more accurate.
I look forward to seeing what the new FoxTalk looks like.